Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do not lose faith.

This weekend, my heart was heavy, my mind was trying to process what happened in CT. Church on Sunday was filled with prayers for the victims, their families, and the rest of the world. Words can't describe the emotions that many of us are struggling with.

My prayers are going out to everyone who is feeling the pang of anger, confusion, frustration, and maybe even hatred that has sprung from Friday's tragedy. I cannot begin to understand what it would be like to lose a child or a loved one, so Sam and I are praying hard for those affected.

I read this quote here yesterday and it's a soothing idea that is helping me deal with my emotions. Maybe it will help you too.

you must not lose faith in humanity.  humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.  -gandhi

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